Friday, 29 April 2011


Dear Lion Brothers,

This is to inform that in terms of the provisions of the Constitution and Bye Laws of the International Association of Lions Clubs International a Nomination Committee for seeking the nominations for the various posts of the office bearers/Board Members for the lionistic year 2011-12 was appointed under the Chairmanship of our Past District Governor MJF Lion Dr. C. S. Galundia and the report submitted by the Committee through its Chairman MJF Lion Dr. C. S. Galundia was considered in the meeting of Board of Directors held on 22nd March, 2011 and with the concurrence of the Board the same was put before the House in their General Meeting of the Club held on 22nd March,2011 at Hotel Indiana Pride, Tonk Road, Jaipur seeking the suggestions .

There was no call for any suggestion from the House on the Report submitted by the Nomination Committee and therefore the  recommendations as received from the Nomination Committee were approved and after due process of carrying election the following members were declared elected unanimously for the respective posts mentioned against each name for the lionistic year 2011-12.

We convey our heartiest congratulations to the newly elected office bearers of the Club for the lionistic year 2011-12 and while assuring our full support and the cooperation wish them all round success in lionism for the noble cause of service to needy. Simultaneously we also express our sincere gratitude and thanks towards the Nomination Committee Chairman and his teammates for nominating a team of office bearers full of zeal and enthusiasm to foster the cause of lionism.

Lion Rajendra Sharma   President
Lion K.K.Jain               Imm.Past President
Lion Kamal Nahata       Ist Vice President
Lion Surendra Dube      IInd Vice President
Lion Dr.Dinesh Goyal    IIIrd Vice President
Lion Neeraj Sharma      Secretary
Lion Dr.P.P. Sharma     Joint Secretary
Lion S.D. Sharma         Treasurer
Lion M.M. Bhootra       Tammer
Lion Rashmi Sharma     Tail Twister

Directors of one year:-

  1. MJF Lion Shabir Khan
  2. Lion Dr. C.S. Sharma
  3. Lion Anil Jaithaliya
  4. Lion Mrs. Kamla Jain
  5. MJF Lion S.K. Dey

Directors for Two Years:-

  1. Lion Purshottam Sharma
  2. Lion Rajeev Sukhija
  3. MJF Lion Abhay Mehta
  4. Lion Dr. Ashutosh Vashishta
  5. Lion P.P. Goswami

Chairman Membership Extension :

Lion Satish Gupta

Once again our warm greetings and good wishes. Thanking you,

Yours truly,

Lion Surendra Dube

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